The Time is Now.

My whole life has led me to this moment. Slowly but surely I traveled along the path - sometimes losing my way, sometimes standing still, other times simply staying on the safest route - until I pointed myself in the right direction and took that first step.

Or perhaps it’s the world that shifted, weary of my delay, aligning my knowledge, passion, and skill with a world in need more than ever…

Here I sit - actually standing, at my standing desk - quarantined at home due to COVID-19…and granted plenty of free time to work on whatever my heart desires…and it all starts to come together.

Now more than ever, the world needs help. It’s an existence where the biggest threat to human life is heart disease…a mostly preventable and even reversible malady. A reality where 86% of the USA’s $3.6 trillion spent on health care goes towards sick care…treating patients who have chronic disease due mostly to poor lifestyle choices. A healthcare system that seems broken beyond repair…and yet it’s not the healthcare system that’s truly broken, it’s our entire society, built upon a system that capitalizes on our innate human needs and desires, maximizing profits, keeping us trapped in an unsustainable and unhealthy ecosystem. Between billions of dollars spent on marketing and endlessly confusing misinformation about health and nutrition, it’s no wonder people are confused.

And yet it gets even worse - as this novel coronavirus spreads like wildfire across the globe, isolating, infecting, and killing many of us. If you listen to the news, the only things we can do to protect ourselves and our families involve washing our hands, sanitizing, self-isolating…and waiting.

…but there’s something else calling to us: our innate immune system begs for help. It’s our last line of defense when the virus finds its way into our bodies. We’ve been endowed with this incredible gift: an intelligent and powerful biological weapon ready to counterattack any threat…and yet it’s been weakened. Years, actually decades of neglect have weakened us. Constant inflammation, lack of nutrients, and unhealthy lifestyle practices turn our high-tech bio-defense supercomputer into a rundown, battered, scratched, and pathetic dumb-phone from the 90’s.

This thing doesn’t work very well anymore. We get sick all the time. How can we ward off COVID-19 when even the common cold puts us into misery on a monthly basis?

But wait! It’s not too late…the reality is that we are incredibly resilient and ready to rebound. We damage this beautiful body of ours, usually for 30-50 years before it starts to show serious signs of wear. Still, even near the end, lifestyle changes can bring the supercomputer back online!

Don’t believe me? Does it sound too good to be true? Well see for yourself! Google Dr. Dean Ornish and his program for REVERSING heart disease. Google Mastering Diabetes, and their program for REVERSING diabetes. Google Team Sherzai and their NEURO method for preventing or delaying Alzheimer’s and dementia. There are endless examples out there of cutting edge, evidence-based science, where lifestyle changes can reverse, delay, or mitigate our biggest threats.

If this is possible, then certainly it’s also possible to fuel our immune system back to ninja-level prowess. This is our chance. While we sit here waiting and hoping for the virus to go away, we can make simple choices to move our health in the right direction. As Dr. Dean Ornish says: to the degree to which we move in this direction, there is a corresponding benefit.

We don’t need to get to the finish line immediately…we just need to start moving.

That’s where I come in - as I have also just stated moving down my new Health Coaching path.

It’s hard to figure this all out. How do we incorporate healthy change into our lifestyles? How do we make our actions align with our priorities? Where do we find the motivation? A Health Coach is your guide through this process. Whatever your goal is, a Health Coach is there with you to help find the path forward.

Enter Green Life Glow, a simple idea with profound possibilities: live a sustainable and healthy lifestyle, and find your inner glow. It may have been suppressed for a long time…but it’s there, it’s brilliant, and it’s eager to shine.

It would be an honor to work with you - together we can change the world with this first domino: just like a virus, you’ll find that a healthy lifestyle is contagious…and in this case, you’ll want to skip social distancing and spread it everywhere!


And so the path changes again…back to school!